Hola dear friends, que tal?

I’m writing from Port de Pollença, a wonderful bay in the island of Mallorca.

I’m here to restore Memphis of Dartmouth, an old ketch from 1928 that will be part of the next project I’m working on with a few friends: Marcel Dolega, Alena Zima, Nicola Zago, Volker Saul, and Joanna Bark.

The project is called Be Water.

I’m busy with Phil, a kind friend who’s giving lots of help, teaching me so many things about how to fix the boat, that I’ll sail towards London through the Rhone and the French Canals in the late spring of 2013. (more…)


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Tea with Man on the River

From London to Istanbul across the rivers of Europe, relying just on his arms and wind power.

Giacomo De Stefano’s journey has been successful thanks to your support too!

Join us in an afternoon with Giacomo, to listen his story about an endeavour 2 years and over 5.000 km long, about places, tales and people.

It’s the first step toward new goals and projects.

Wednesday, November 14th 2012 – From 5:30 to 8 p.m. in “The Fab”

The Fab
Vicoletto Valle 2
37122 Verona

Places are limited, so please confirm your presence by applying here.


Last step, first step

I did it! We did it! Clodia, all those who gave something to this journey, passion and water, and me. We arrived in Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul.

It’s been more than two years from the very beginning, from the first flash of the idea, the dream with open eyes, watching with respect and apprehension every small creek in front of us. A thousand travels by train, bicycle and on foot. The sleepless nights working with Pati de Ross, a great friend. The worn out shoes. The thousand of “not” from people who could not or would not help, the disappointments, the hugs, the angels who helped me immediately and unconditionally, the selflessness and love, generosity, and my many mistakes. Everything was great and part of a real project.

I remember the start, with Jacopo and Massimo Di Nonno, who photographed, and Nicola Pittarello who was filming in the cold wind of the Thames. The freezing nights, well below zero, in England, the 20-day wind at 40 knots, straight from the Arctic, the horizontal rain, the fire of the Shipwright’s Arms pub to dry my wet clothes, the disease, the four months between hospital and bed, the Danube frozen.

The second stop was not planned but neither the first was, to tell the truth.

And then the 346 locks, the 18 aqueducts, rowing or sailing suspended 30 meters in height, the 8 tunnels, 2000 and more bridges and 5401 km of joy, suffering, and a lot of wind and water, underneath, beyond and sometimes inside Clodia. And sailing and rowing so much. Never give up. All the way till the end. But where is the end? (more…)


Black Sea pass

In every journey, like in every life, there’s a place where you stay longer than expected. Pleasant or not.

Sozopol held me for 20 days. It was up to me, I would have stayed even more: I’ve been happy there. In Sozopol there’s some magic, on that rocky cape.

Beside all the nice and interesting encounters during the festival, I’ve faced a series of fast but strong meteorological depression that created dangerous waves for Clodia, that’s not built for that kind of sea. The pauses between disturbances were not long enough to calm the sea, so I couldn’t set off.

In the meantime, time was passing by. In Istanbul many people were waiting for me and I, who manage to make it to the Black Sea by the end of July, felt bad not to have taken the chance to sail in the best two months for navigation. However, I was kindly asked to wait until september to get a better media coverage, so, being my project also about communication, I couldn’t refuse.

Waiting, the art of waiting: I’ve become a very good artist. And I always try to get better at it. (more…)



Yesterday evening Giacomo has finally completed his endeavour by reaching Istanbul.

He’s now guest of the Koç Museum, in the Golden Horn.




Press Room 

Sky Arte


Il Mattino

Plen Air

La Repubblica

Steffan Meyric Hughes

Sail World

Voile Magazine

Rete di quotidiani veneti del Gruppo L'Espresso

Märkische Oderzeitung

Diario de Mallorca

Revista Namaste

Balear Web

Lega Navale Chioggia - M. Bonaldo

Sailing Today

Classic Boat Onboard - 1

Il Referendum

Telenuovo Verona


Classic Boat

Outside magazine

Ouest France


France Press International

Today Szaman

Green prophet




Magazin Nautic

La Stampa, 2.8.2012

Classic Boat 2012

TM News



Classic Boat

Deutsche Welle

Segeln Magazine

Larissa Nevierov

Vilshofener Anzeiger


Fränkischer Tag

Hanauer Anzeiger

SAT1 Bayern

Main Post

Main Echo Aschaffenburg

Abenteuer und Reisen

La Stampa

GO Nomad


Deutsche Welle radio

Voiles News

Wooden Boat

Il Mare 24 Ore

Classic Boat



Faversham Times

BBC South West

H2O magazine


Hove to off Swan point

Giornale della vela

Reuters Italia

From Il Venerdì di Repubblica

From 30disport





Il Mattino di Padova











Chioggia TV














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